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This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Rule Review - Tag Ups

So we had a confusing situation in one of the games this week. You can read the Week 5 recaps for the exact scenario but the question is, when can a baserunner tag up on a base when the ball is bobbled and then caught in the air?

According to the WAKA rule book:
10.05 A tag-up is a requirement to retouch or stay on a base until a kicked then caught ball is first touched by a
fielder. After a tag-up a runner may advance. A runner failing to tag-up as required is out (see Rule 14.02f).

... and according to the WAKA Rules FAQ:
Q: At what point may a runner “tag up” to advance on a caught ball?
A: The runner may tag up as of the moment the kicked ball is first touched by any fielder.

So it is pretty clear that the runner does not need to wait until the ball is actually caught. They just simply have to wait for the ball to be touched by a defensive player for the first time before tagging.

While we are at it.

10.08 Running past another runner is not allowed. The passing runner is out (see Rule 14.02j).
14.02 An out is: j. a runner that passes another runner (see Rule 10.08)


2.01 While participating in WAKA kickball, players must properly wear and fully display the official WAKA athletic clothing designated for their use. Teams with players who fail to abide by this rule forfeit that game.
2.02 Athletic shoes are required. Metal cleats are not allowed.

Why did Jeff over run his teammate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she definitely started running to third,then turned around and went back to second, thats when jeff passed her..haha!...just syain!