As I mentioned to a few people at the meet and greet, we ref our own games in our division so it's important to be familiar with the rules. Below are some of the rules that can cause confusion.
Tag Ups
10.5 - Tag-ups are only required before advancement on a caught ball. After a kicked ball is touched or caught, runners are forced to tag their their originating base before running ot the next base. If the runner has not moved off of the base before the ball is touched or caught by a fielder, the runner may run forward without a forced tag up.
According to the official WAKA interpretation of the rule, the wording that is important in this rule is after a kicked ball is touched or caught. That means that a runner can tag as soon as the ball is touched for the first time. If a ball is knocked up into the air and then caught the runner can tag on the first touch and is not forced back to the base once the ball it actually caught. Runners do not have to tag up if no catch is made on the play.
The real purpose of this rule is to prevent teams from potentially playing volleyball with the kickball and purposly hitting it into the air trying to bring it closer to the infield before someone actually catches it, preventing the runner from having any real chance at tagging up.
Infield Fly
Unlike in baseball and softball, there is no Infield Fly rule in WAKA Kickball.
Kicking Box
13.02 A Foul is:
c.) a ball kicked outside of the kicking box (in front of the back cones, behind the front edge of homeplate)
The important thing to note on this rule is that the ball is not considered out of play as described in Rule 15. Unless any of the requirements in Rule 15 happen to cause the ball to be considered out of play any ball that is kicked outside the kicking box is considered foul but a live ball. That means that if the ball is popped up a defending player can catch it in the air for an out and the play would be treated the same as it would be for a pop fly in foul territory.
Double Kick
13.02 A foul is:
d.) a kicked ball touched more than once in foul territory or stopped by the kicker in foul territory.
g.) a kicked ball touched more than once in the kickbing box or stopped by the kicker in the kicking box.
14.02 An out is:
d.) a runner touched by the ball or who touches the ball at ANY time while not on base while the ball is in play (see Rule 15.02)
Basically what this means is that if a kicker kicks the ball and then the ball hits them again either in the kicking box or in foul territory the play results in a foul ball. If however kicker kicks the ball and then the ball hits the a second time while in fair territory the kicker is out.
1st and 3rd Base Line
8.03 No player may field forward the pitcher other than the catcher until th eball is kicked, and no player may advance forward the 1st-3rd base diagonal until the ball is kicked. A team's first infraction by a team during the game will result in a warning to the team that caused the infraction. The second and each subsequent infraction by a team during the game will result in the kicker being awarded first base regardless of the outcome of the kick.
Each team will be allowed 1 warning per game on this rule. The warning is per team, not per player.
Balls, Strikes and Fouls
8.05 The strike zone extends to 1 foot on either side of home plate to the side of the kickball, and 1 foot high to the bottom of the kickball. A pitch outside the strike zone is a ball.
11.01, 12.01, 13.01 A count of 3 strikes is an out. A count of 4 balls advances the kicker to first base. a count of 4 fouls is an out.
11.03 Foul balls never count as strikes.
This is sort of a basic one but it is worth noting for new players to know that strikes and fouls are counted seperately.
10.07 Base Running on Overthrows;
a. an overthrow is a ball thrown, kicked, or deflected into foul territory while making a defensive play toward a
player or base;
b. a runner may advance only one base beyond the base the runner is on or running toward when the ball travels
into foul territory;
c. one base on an overthrow is a restriction on the runner – not an automatic right for the runner to advance;
d. Once an overthrown ball is back on the field of play, and the defense attempts a play other than returning the
ball to the pitcher, runners may commence base running.
1. THE PLAYING FIELD 101 e. the sidelines are lines 10 feet on the outside of and parallel to the foul lines, the area between the foul lines
and the sidelines is the sideline area; (see Rule 14.03)
If the ball is overthrown along the first or third base lines and goes into foul territory and out of play (10 feet) then the runners are restricted to only get one full base. It's important to note that it's a restriction and not a right so if the runner is taking his or her time getting to the next base and the defensive team can tag the runner out, the runner is out. After a ball has gone out of play on an overthrow, any play made by the defensive team other than getting the ball back to the pitcher can be deems a live play and runners can then advance at their own risk. The rule only applies to overthrows that go past 10 feet from the foul lines so there is no restriction on overthrows at second base, only first, third and home.
Sideline Area
14.03 Sideline area. Prior to the kick, no participants (or spectators) may be in the sideline area except for the
kicker, the catcher, referees and designated base coaches. After the kick, fielders and base runners in the
process of playing the game may also occupy the sideline area. (see Rule 1.01e). The first infraction will result in
a warning to the team that caused the infraction. The second and each subsequent infraction will result in an out
for the next kicker in the written scorebook kicking order on the team that caused the infraction.
This rule is pretty self explanatory.
Roster Requirements
5.02 Teams must field at least eight players and no more than eleven. Teams must field a minimum of four players of each sex. If fielding 11 players, one player must play the position of catcher. At any time during the game teams may only field one pitcher and one catcher.
7.04 teams must have at least four men and four women present and ready to play at the scheduled game time. Teams will be granted a 15 minute grace period for that day's first scheduled game(s), and a 5 minute grace period for any subsequent scheduled game(s). Failure to abide by this rule results in a forfeit.
18.01 The spirit of these rules is to ensure a fun environment and participant enjoyment. All games are to be played in a sportsmanlike manner...
If teams can not provide at least 4 players of each sex for a game then their opponent has the right to force a forfeit in that game in the standings. It will be at the discretion of the captain of the opposing team to decide whether to force the forfeit or not. The opposing captain may elect to allow the team to play short handed and have the score count in the standings if they wish but a final agreement must be made before the game starts. If a forfeit is enforced the teams can play a scrimmage for fun. If a forfeit is not enforced and the teams play out the team that is short handed will need to play short handed in the field according to the minimum requirements as dictated in the rules.
Example: Team A has 9 men and 3 women show up for a game and therefore does not meet the minimum number of women to play. Team B agrees to allow Team A to play shorthanded with the final result being reflected in the official standings. It has become somewhat customary that since each team must have at lest 4 men and 4 women take the field team A should only be able to field a maximum of 10 players since one spot in the field would be considered reserved for the missing female player but this is up to the captains to reach an agreement before the game.
The official WAKA rule on this is that the team that is shorthanded must forfeit and that is the rule that will be in place for the tournament in Las Vegas. However, in the spirit of rule 18.01 the alternative rule regarding short handed teams has become customary in the divisions in Tampa if the captains agree to it before the game. Referees should be witness to the agreement if one is made. If no agreement is made before the game then the short handed team must take a forfeit in the standings.
Leading Off
14.02 An out is:
f. a runner off of his/her base when the ball is kicked
Leading off a base is not allowed. If a runner leaves contact with his/her base before the ball is kicked that baserunner will be out. It is also worth mentioning that if the basecoach physically assists a runner or touches them during an actual play the baserunner is out or if a runner passes another runner on the bases the runner who did the passing will be out.
To view all of WAKA's rules go to
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