What is this Blog?

This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dale - The Best Pitcher Ever? WOW!

You're zealous behavior seriously takes the fun out of the game.

The behavior that has been exhibited by the Seminoles, lead by their captain, Dale, which I've personally had the misfortune to experience and see during the last two weeks, is the antithesis of the WAKA philosophy.

You attempt to intimidate the other teams and the referees with an ongoing barrage of snipes, profanity and endless arguments on calls, which demeans the credibility and confidence of the teams and referees. Is that fun?

Which new player or team would want to be a part of that?

Remind me not to volunteer to ref your games anymore.

Dude, you're missing the whole point of the game!


Ben Biard said...

Herbie....we accept. Please never ref a Seminole game ever again. We prefer to have refs who know how to read and interpret rules (know what they are doing).

Anonymous said...

See you in the Gayoffs!

Anonymous said...

The Seminoles Suck! Get ahold of your temper Dale. We are grown adults. (well, atleast some of us are)

Anonymous said...

Plenty of the teams in the Breaker division argue the calls that the refs make on the field. It's not something that's isolated to the Seminoles team alone. That's just the nature of competition.