What is this Blog?

This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week 5 Player Profile - Ball Kickers!

This week’s Player Profile introduces us to Nick from the Ball Kickers, or as the rest of the league refers to them: That Pink Team. How did Nick feel when he found out what the team’s color would be?


That sentiment surely applies to their season thus far, as the Ball Kickers are… 0 and 3? 0 and 4? When a debate surfaced regarding their record, another Ball Kicker chimed in, “Whatever game this is, we’re 0 and that.”

This is Nick’s first season playing WAKA (not that the record reflects that). He saw some folks at MacDinton’s on Thursday nights and thought it sounded interesting. Deciding that the Thursday night league was lame (I’m editorializing here), Nick and his friends joined the awesome Breaker division. The majority of the Ball Kickers work with Nick at a mortgage contracting service company “kicking people out of their homes.” Does Nick find it at all ironic that he evicts people from their homes professionally, but is unable to get anyone out at home on the kickball field? Yes, yes he does. And Nick hates irony.

Nick would like everyone to know his astrological sign is Taurus. Nick’s teammate Frank would like everyone to know Nick’s a Cancer… to the team. (Why am I here? This thing writes itself.)

Nick touted the Pink Team’s flip cup skills, but we have yet to see them show up en masse at MacDinton’s tables. Ball Kickers – the gauntlet has been thrown. See you next week!

What do you think of Shaina's first blog post?

If you voted that you think you could write something for the blog, email tyrus at kickball so he can get you all set up.

1 comment:

TyrusG said...

So I see a few of you saying you think you should post but I don't see any emails telling me who they are. If you want to post just email me and I can set you up.