What is this Blog?

This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank You

I would just like to say a big Thank You to everyone for making this a great season. We had a lot of great games and great flip cup action. Erik did a great job in his first season as Division Customer Service Representative. It was great to see everyone out at the fields and at MacDinton's each week as well as our mid-season party. We got to crown a new Division Champ and Crystal Pitcher winner and of course the fun with the theme games.

Our next season details are already up on the division webpage. Registration for the new season is just a month away and the season begins in March. If you enjoyed yourself, we ask you to please talk to all of your friends and co-workers about how much fun you had playing kickball and invite them to come out and play with us next season.

In the meantime, the fun hasn't officially ended yet. On Saturday we will be having our End of Season Party Charity Pubcrawl hosted by MacDinton's. This will be a great way for us to get together one more time and raise money for PAL to help cop keep kids off the street with great athletic programs.

Your donation to charity gets you free beer for the first hour so you can feel really good about the beer you drink. Come in costume as a Pilgrim or Indian and save $5 off of the cost of entry. Join us and tell your friends to come too to help out a good cause.

What was your favorite part of the season?

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