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This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Drink Beer, its good for you

Beer is better than water. At least according to the people at the Cleveland Leader. You know, Cleveland, at least they aren't Detroit. Anyways, someone passed this article over to me and I thought I should share it with everyone.


According to the article, its actually better to drink beer after an athletic event than it is to drink water. I'm not sure whether to believe that or not but if its true that means that kickballers are ahead of the pack. I guess I should point out that the article says moderate consumption.

1 comment:

Erik said...

That is true. The beer allows your body to rehydrate faster than by just drinking water.