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This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bar Results - Week 2

Week 2 at the bar was was pretty busy. Most of the teams represented well for the most part everyone got at least 5 points.

How good was the bar attendance in week 2? Well even Suck My Kick decided to come out and join us and they were pretty active early on the flip cup table. Unfortunately, for most of the night they had me in a corner arguing and complaining to me about green fairy refs who may or may not actually exist, the state of the economy, the cold weather, the Olympic Opening Ceremonies and just about anything else. Actually for the most part I'm not quite sure what they were complaining about because they were all complaining at once so I couldn't process it all. The bad news is that it kept me from seeing what else was going on at the bar so they at least get one point for showing up.

I'm told that Don't Go Chasing Waterballs was there but they left before I got there so I will give them the benefit of the doubt and give them 4 points.

We Like 'Em Young, 99 Problems But A Pitch Ain't One, Lick My Wet Cleat and Looking to Score all had a great showing so they get 10 points.

I spotted Quit Yer Pitching rocking on the Karaoke Stage in full Mardis Gras gear so they get 15.

Who's Got Asstastic Balls were the bar rock stars for the night so they get 20 points.

Of course these points are given in a completely arbitrary and nonsensical basis and should not be taken seriously but the more points your team earns the cooler you are for sure. Eventually, I might learn to add and we can start tallying a season total or maybe I can just make up those numbers too.


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TyrusG said...

If you are going to talk trash in the comments, at least have the balls to sign in or post your name to it. Anonymous trash talking will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

Ty is gay.