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This Blog is the online home for members of the WAKA Kickball leagues in Tampa, Florida. Players can come here to view the latest information on the division, make comments and talk trash to their competitors.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Bayshore - What we have learned so far

Can you believe we already have 4 weeks into the season? At the halfway point of the season we have definitely learned a lot about the players and teams in the league. Here are just a few of the highlights:

The pitcher for Balls N Dolls is the un-Holy love child of Zach Galifianakis and Kenny Powers. If you haven't faced him yet, good luck. When he's on, he's tough to beat. You're fucking out, bitches.

Pick Me Up claims that age is catching up with them. Sure, some of them started playing WAKA kickball when some of you may have still been in Jr High but WAKA is fun for all ages. They actually haven't been too bad this season except for a couple of unlucky breaks. In recent seasons they have definitely been one of the better teams but they just wish you youngins would be easier to beat. The way they put it makes it sound like they are seeking team sponsorship from Ben-Gay and Depends but I don't believe it. They still have plenty of life in them but their schedule doesn't get a whole lot easier.

Some young guns have come to play. Usually, new teams have some difficulty acclimating to the league but no so much this season. I'd Hit It is just crushing teams lately. They may have benefited from a relatively light schedule thus far so the second half of the season could be a better litmus test to see how strong they are against Pick Me Up and Balls and Dolls in their last 2 games of the season. Mark March 15th on your calendar as I'd Hit It faces off against Getting Kicky With It, another new team that has been turning up the heat the last couple of weeks. What's the secret to I'd Hit Its early success? Confidence. In week 2 they won in dramatic fashion in the last inning (and practically mauled one of their star players at the bottom of a pig pile in the process). In Week 4 they were riding really high and feeling quite good after beating up on Your Balls My Foot, because someone had told them that YBMF was the best team in the league. One of the most awesome teams in the league? Yes and they definitely have fun. Best teams? Sadly not so much. Only time will tell whether I'd Hit It can keep hitting it.

Where My Pitches At are really glad to have made the switch from Tuesdays to Thursdays. Now I'm not calling Bayshore a slouch but there is definitely a heavier concentration of tough teams on Breaker right now. Its not always like that as those sorts of things are pretty cyclical and it wasn't long ago that Bayshore was the tougher league. At this point in the Fall season, the old Where My Pitches At team was 0-4 with a combined score of about 853,201 to 0. Right now they are feeling pretty good about themselves with a win a loss and 2 ties.

The Camel Toes are crazy. OK so this is only news to you if you are new to the league but by now it should be quite clear that they are the most ridiculous team in the league and they love that fact. They show up every week in costume, are loud and obnoxious and have a blatant disregard for any team who takes the game too seriously. In other words, they are pretty awesome. In case you missed it, this past week they had some sort of red neck theme (I gave up on actually trying to keep up with their themes long ago). The lovely Carrie decided she was going to sport some padding that made her look pregnant. It made for a pretty fun time to watch the faces of random strangers around her when she would suck back a drink and light up a cigarette. Proceed with caution with this crazy crowd.

We love M&M bowls. No, I am not talking about the little candies that melt in your mouth and not in your hands (although they lie). I'm talking about the great scene at MacDinton's that we get every Thursday night. Think about it the next time you walk into the bar. I'm sure most of you have played with other organizations and after your game, whether its friendly or competitive, everyone just sort of goes their own way and maybe you join a few of your teammates at the bar. Not so with WAKA. We all go back to the same bar and have a great time together and lots of mingling between teams with different t-shirt colors. Now do you get the reference? If, by now you haven't facebook friended 5-10 new people from other teams, you are doing something wrong. So go out of your way and make friends with people on other teams. WAKA is all about creating a social atmosphere for you fools to meet, so do it already.

What do you think of Camel Toes 5.0?

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